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" As for the explanation of her trance-phenomena, I have none to offer. The prima facie theory, which is that of spirit-control, is hard to reconcile with the extreme triviality of most of the communications. What real spirit, at last able to revisit his... "
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research - Page 638
de Society for Psychical Research (Great Britain) - 1890
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Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death, Volume 2

Frederic William Henry Myers - 1903 - 732 pages
...yet unexplained." ... As for the explanation of her trance-phenomena, I have none to offer. The primA facie theory, which is that of spirit-control, is...mysterious Phinuit are apt to confine themselves. 1 must admit, however, that Phinuit has other moods. He has several times, when my wife and myself...
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Modern Spiritism: A Critical Examination of Its Phenomena, Character, and ...

John Godfrey Raupert - 1904 - 264 pages
...were, so far as we can tell, known only to the dead." Professor William James says :— " The prima facie theory, which is that of spiritcontrol, is hard...mysterious Phinuit, are apt to confine themselves." But a still more fatal instance of failure to establish spirit-identity is reported in the Proceedings...
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On the Cosmic Relations, Volume 1

Henry Holt - 1914 - 536 pages
...position " Here are a few extracts from Professor James's paper in this same volume (Pr. VI, 65 If.) : " As for the explanation of her trance-phenomena, on long lectures to us about our inward defects and outward shortcomings, which were very earnest, as well as subtile morally and psychologically,...
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The Cosmic Relations and Immortality, Volume 1

Henry Holt - 1919 - 540 pages
...(Pr. VI, 651f.) : " As for the explanation of her trance-phenomena, I have none to offer. The prima facie theory, which is that of spirit-control, on long lectures to us about our inward defects and outward shortcomings, which were very earnest, as well as subtile morally and psychologically,...
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The Case Against Spiritualism

Jane T. Stoddart - 1919 - 180 pages
...remarked on the extreme triviality of the supposed communications. " What real spirit," he wrote, " at last able to revisit his wife on this earth, but...mysterious Phinuit are apt to confine themselves." A woman writer passed away not long ago in early middle life. Her mother tried to get in touch through...
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William James: His Life and Thought

Gerald Eugene Myers - 2001 - 666 pages
...her trance phenomena, which purported to be under the control of departed spirits. "The prima fade theory, which is that of spirit-control, is hard to...the sort of remark to which the spirits introduced . . . are apt to confine themselves."69 Despite the challenges to credulity that even James acknowledged,...
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